DNS management at Pulseheberg
There are two DNS management interfaces at Pulseheberg, depending on your type of service. These two interfaces have a very similar operation, which we will discuss in this article. You will find at the end of the article a glossary of the different DNS entries that exist, and their use.
Your DNS zone is then available directly on the PulsePanel, as well as the one of all the domains you add on this web hosting.
The DNS zone is managed by Plesk, you need to set up the following DNS servers :
Primary DNS: ns1-hosting.pulseheberg.net
Auxiliary DNS: ns2-hosting.pulseheberg.net
If you wish to modify your zone, you can **follow this guide.**
Your DNS zone has to be managed from the PulseHeberg manager (here).
In order to be able to use our DNS management interfaces, it is important that your domain points to the right NS servers. You can easily check this from your management panel.
All our DNS management interfaces have the same elements as well as the same operating mode:

On each of the interfaces, you will find the following key elements:
The sub-domain column (The @ corresponds to the root, i.e. your domain without sub-domain)
The TTL column (corresponds to the theoretical lifetime of the records. The default value 3600 is theoretically sufficient for most uses)
The type of record (you will find a lexicon at the bottom of this article)
The value of the record. This is usually an IP or a FQDN (domain name, with an end point)
Each line is equivalent to a different DNS record
An add line button at the bottom of the page
A save button at the bottom of the page
On interface 1 (manager pulseheberg), you will also find on the top right, the status of your DNS zone, which tells you if it contains errors, or if it is waiting for automatic validation.
As a reminder, an FQDN looks like a domain name, its main difference is that it has an end point (after .fr, .com, etc).
For example, the FQDN of google.com is simply google.com.
Our interfaces support the main types of DNS records, namely :
The address record (type A and AAAA)
These are the basic DNS zone records. They work from the simplest possible basis: A sub-domain points (entirely) to an IP address. A records are IPv4 addresses, and AAAA records are IPv6 addresses.
For example, if you want your users to be redirected to your VPS, by going to the address "http://vps.mondomaine.fr", just put "vps" in the sub-domain box, and the IP of your VPS in the "value" box, selecting the type "A". Be careful, you can only have one type A per sub-domain. If you have more than one, your users will be randomly redirected to either one or the other.
For example, if you want to redirect "http://mydomain.com" directly to your VPS, you just have to reproduce the same configuration, by placing "@" in the "sub-domain" box.

The mail record (type MX)
As its name suggests, the mail record (MX) is used to configure the routing of emails sent to your domain name. It is the latter (and only the latter) that is read by the mail servers to determine to which server the mail should be sent. Its operation is very simple. You enter in the sub-domain box the value of the sub-domain to be configured (if it is @test.mydomain.com, just enter "test" in the sub-domain, if it is @mydomain.com, you can then put an @), and the FQDN of the mail server, as well as the priority in the value box. The priority is a positive integer, which allows you to set a priority order for this record. Thus, you can place several MX records, to ensure redundancy (if you have several servers).
If you don't know which priority to set, just put "1" followed by the FQDN of your server, as below

The alias/canonical record (type CNAME)
The CNAME record type works simply as an alias. Instead of entering an IP, you enter an FQDN, and your user will be redirected to the IP that the FQDN points to. This allows you to avoid entering your IP address many times. Warning, this is not a redirection. The URL displayed in the browser (for example) will not be updated, it is completely transparent. This allows you for example to create configurations as below. If you replace the IP of the 3rd line below, it will also replace it on the following lines automatically.

The text record (type TXT)
Again, as its name suggests, this record allows you to set up text boxes, containing data for your domain. This kind of record is not useful for the majority of uses, but it is indispensable in some cases (DKIM configuration, SPF, etc). It has no notable particularity, except that it is not necessary to put quotation marks on them at Pulseheberg (all the quotation marks put will be automatically deleted). You will find below an example of DKIM and SPF configuration on our interface

The service record (SRV type)
It is a rather complex record to handle, as it takes into account many parameters.
Firstly, its sub-domain is composed of three parameters: The type of service, the protocol (udp or tcp), and the sub-domain itself. So, if you want to configure a TeamSpeak 3 service on the sub-domain "ts.mondomain.fr", the sub-domain field must be filled in like this "_ts3._tcp.ts". ts3 represents your application (Teamspeak 3), tcp represents the tcp protocol, and .ts represents the sub-domain itself. You also need to configure the value of the record with many parameters: Priority, weight, port, and target FQDN. Generally, the first two values are not useful if you have only one SRV record on the subdomain. So you can leave them at 1. The port simply represents the port of your application to be used, and the target FQDN represents the destination server.
Thus, the following example allows you to redirect a Teamspeak 3 server hosted at "monfournisseur.fr", on port 1234 :

You have a Web hosting (EducationWeb, PremierWeb, PlatiniumWeb) related to this domain
Your DNS zone is then available directly on the PulsePanel, as well as the one of all the domains you add on this web hosting.
You have a Web hosting (WEB-5 or WEB-25) linked to this domain
The DNS zone is managed by Plesk, you need to set up the following DNS servers :
Primary DNS: ns1-hosting.pulseheberg.net
Auxiliary DNS: ns2-hosting.pulseheberg.net
If you wish to modify your zone, you can **follow this guide.**
You don't have Web hosting linked to this domain (domain only, or domain + VPS for example)
Your DNS zone has to be managed from the PulseHeberg manager (here).
In order to be able to use our DNS management interfaces, it is important that your domain points to the right NS servers. You can easily check this from your management panel.
All our DNS management interfaces have the same elements as well as the same operating mode:

On each of the interfaces, you will find the following key elements:
The sub-domain column (The @ corresponds to the root, i.e. your domain without sub-domain)
The TTL column (corresponds to the theoretical lifetime of the records. The default value 3600 is theoretically sufficient for most uses)
The type of record (you will find a lexicon at the bottom of this article)
The value of the record. This is usually an IP or a FQDN (domain name, with an end point)
Each line is equivalent to a different DNS record
An add line button at the bottom of the page
A save button at the bottom of the page
On interface 1 (manager pulseheberg), you will also find on the top right, the status of your DNS zone, which tells you if it contains errors, or if it is waiting for automatic validation.
As a reminder, an FQDN looks like a domain name, its main difference is that it has an end point (after .fr, .com, etc).
For example, the FQDN of google.com is simply google.com.
Different types of recordings supported
Our interfaces support the main types of DNS records, namely :
The address record (type A and AAAA)
These are the basic DNS zone records. They work from the simplest possible basis: A sub-domain points (entirely) to an IP address. A records are IPv4 addresses, and AAAA records are IPv6 addresses.
For example, if you want your users to be redirected to your VPS, by going to the address "http://vps.mondomaine.fr", just put "vps" in the sub-domain box, and the IP of your VPS in the "value" box, selecting the type "A". Be careful, you can only have one type A per sub-domain. If you have more than one, your users will be randomly redirected to either one or the other.
For example, if you want to redirect "http://mydomain.com" directly to your VPS, you just have to reproduce the same configuration, by placing "@" in the "sub-domain" box.

The mail record (type MX)
As its name suggests, the mail record (MX) is used to configure the routing of emails sent to your domain name. It is the latter (and only the latter) that is read by the mail servers to determine to which server the mail should be sent. Its operation is very simple. You enter in the sub-domain box the value of the sub-domain to be configured (if it is @test.mydomain.com, just enter "test" in the sub-domain, if it is @mydomain.com, you can then put an @), and the FQDN of the mail server, as well as the priority in the value box. The priority is a positive integer, which allows you to set a priority order for this record. Thus, you can place several MX records, to ensure redundancy (if you have several servers).
If you don't know which priority to set, just put "1" followed by the FQDN of your server, as below

The alias/canonical record (type CNAME)
The CNAME record type works simply as an alias. Instead of entering an IP, you enter an FQDN, and your user will be redirected to the IP that the FQDN points to. This allows you to avoid entering your IP address many times. Warning, this is not a redirection. The URL displayed in the browser (for example) will not be updated, it is completely transparent. This allows you for example to create configurations as below. If you replace the IP of the 3rd line below, it will also replace it on the following lines automatically.

The text record (type TXT)
Again, as its name suggests, this record allows you to set up text boxes, containing data for your domain. This kind of record is not useful for the majority of uses, but it is indispensable in some cases (DKIM configuration, SPF, etc). It has no notable particularity, except that it is not necessary to put quotation marks on them at Pulseheberg (all the quotation marks put will be automatically deleted). You will find below an example of DKIM and SPF configuration on our interface

The service record (SRV type)
It is a rather complex record to handle, as it takes into account many parameters.
Firstly, its sub-domain is composed of three parameters: The type of service, the protocol (udp or tcp), and the sub-domain itself. So, if you want to configure a TeamSpeak 3 service on the sub-domain "ts.mondomain.fr", the sub-domain field must be filled in like this "_ts3._tcp.ts". ts3 represents your application (Teamspeak 3), tcp represents the tcp protocol, and .ts represents the sub-domain itself. You also need to configure the value of the record with many parameters: Priority, weight, port, and target FQDN. Generally, the first two values are not useful if you have only one SRV record on the subdomain. So you can leave them at 1. The port simply represents the port of your application to be used, and the target FQDN represents the destination server.
Thus, the following example allows you to redirect a Teamspeak 3 server hosted at "monfournisseur.fr", on port 1234 :

Updated on: 17/10/2022
Thank you!