How do I create a Zimbra distribution list?
You can create a distribution list from your PulseHeberg manager in the details of your Hosted Email service by clicking on the Distribution Lists button:

You then come to a page summarizing the existing lists:

In our example we don't have one.
To create a new account you have to click on the Add a distribution list button and fill in the fields in the pop-up window that opens:

In our example we have configured the list with the user Bernard Dupont.
In order for this distribution list to be able to receive e-mails, it is necessary to activate the possibility to receive e-mails, in order for this to be possible you have to go to the Properties tab and activate the function Can Receive Mail :

Finally just click on Confirm and the distribution list will be created.
By default the distribution list accepts subscription and unsubscription requests from your users, if you want to be able to manage your members manually you can configure the automatic cancellation or rejection of these requests.

You then come to a page summarizing the existing lists:

In our example we don't have one.
To create a new account you have to click on the Add a distribution list button and fill in the fields in the pop-up window that opens:

In our example we have configured the list with the user Bernard Dupont.
In order for this distribution list to be able to receive e-mails, it is necessary to activate the possibility to receive e-mails, in order for this to be possible you have to go to the Properties tab and activate the function Can Receive Mail :

Finally just click on Confirm and the distribution list will be created.
By default the distribution list accepts subscription and unsubscription requests from your users, if you want to be able to manage your members manually you can configure the automatic cancellation or rejection of these requests.
Updated on: 17/10/2022
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