How to install a CMS with Softaculous ?
Softaculous is a utility that allows you to install very simply many CMS on your PulseHeberg web hosting.
You can install a CMS via Softaculous by going to the tab of the same name:

A new tab opens and returns to the Softaculous panel, the menu on the left allows you to choose the category or search the CMS by name:

For example to install Wordpress you have to go to Blogs then choose Wordpress :

The next page displays a presentation of the CMS we want to install:

To install this CMS you will have to click on Install Now :

The next page asks for the configuration information of Wordpress, it will be necessary to indicate the desired version, the URL where the CMS must be installed, the name of the site and its administrator credentials:

Once the configuration of the website is completed, just click on Install to launch the deployment of the CMS, it is also possible to receive a summary by email by filling in the Email installation details to field.
To install your CMS at the root of the site it is necessary to leave the In Directory field empty.
For experienced users, it is possible to configure advanced options: database name, table prefix, disabling automatic CMS update.
Once the installation is launched the Softaculous tool checks the completed information and deploys the CMS, this operation takes a few minutes:

When the installation is complete, a confirmation message appears on the screen:

The CMS is well installed :

You can install a CMS via Softaculous by going to the tab of the same name:

A new tab opens and returns to the Softaculous panel, the menu on the left allows you to choose the category or search the CMS by name:

For example to install Wordpress you have to go to Blogs then choose Wordpress :

The next page displays a presentation of the CMS we want to install:

To install this CMS you will have to click on Install Now :

The next page asks for the configuration information of Wordpress, it will be necessary to indicate the desired version, the URL where the CMS must be installed, the name of the site and its administrator credentials:

Once the configuration of the website is completed, just click on Install to launch the deployment of the CMS, it is also possible to receive a summary by email by filling in the Email installation details to field.
To install your CMS at the root of the site it is necessary to leave the In Directory field empty.
For experienced users, it is possible to configure advanced options: database name, table prefix, disabling automatic CMS update.
Once the installation is launched the Softaculous tool checks the completed information and deploys the CMS, this operation takes a few minutes:

When the installation is complete, a confirmation message appears on the screen:

The CMS is well installed :

Updated on: 17/10/2022
Thank you!