How do I allow PulseHeberg support to connect to my server?
Problem encountered
You need to provide SSH access to our technical support on your Linux server
Allow IPs of our support
If you have a firewall on your server you must allow connections from the following IP addresses:
Install the SSH key of our support
Please install the SSH key with the following command:
echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKcgDgnovY0kPQfZSaYRZDKaoyHWu7WTD7INz29t5VzG" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you want to manually install our SSH key you can download it below:
Authentication by SSH key allows our support to connect to your server without having to exchange its password.
Updated on: 17/10/2022
Thank you!