How to create a Zimbra email alias?
The email alias allows you to benefit from a secondary address on a Zimbra email account, you have the possibility to create an alias from the management panel by clicking on Email Aliases : You then arrive on the page summarizing the list of existing aliases : InSome readersHow to create a Zimbra domain alias?
The domain alias allows you to have multiple domains on your Zimbra Hosted Email with automatic creation of aliases for each of your email addresses. For example if you add the domain as an alias for all the email addresses will also work with the domain You can create a domain alias from your PulseHeberg manager in the details of your Hosted Email service by clicking on the Domain Aliases button. ( readersHow do I configure my domain for Zimbra?
When you subscribe to our Zimbra Hosted Email offer you need to configure your domain to point to our email server. To do this you must have the delivery email to retrieve the following information: The MX field The SPF field To configure your domain this will then depend on your domain name provider, if your domain is registered on your PulseHebergFew readersEnable DKIM on Zimbra Hosted Email service
Our panel does not yet allow you to activate DKIM from your customer area, in the meantime to activate DKIM on your Hosted Email Zimbra service you must contact our support from the customer area under the Support tab then Open a ticket.Few readersHow do I create a Zimbra distribution list?
You can create a distribution list from your PulseHeberg manager in the details of your Hosted Email service by clicking on the Distribution Lists button: You then come to a page summarizing the existing lists: In our example we don't have one. To create a new aFew readersHow to create a Zimbra email account?
You can create an email account from your PulseHeberg manager in the details of your Hosted Email service by clicking on the Email Accounts button. You will then be taken to a page summarizing the existing accounts: In our example we don't have one. To create aFew readersHow to access the Hosted Email management panel?
From your customer interface on our manager you have to go to Services then My Services then select the service concerned: It then appears all the management options of your Hosted Email package:Few readers