How to activate VNC connection on Ubuntu Desktop?
After installing Ubuntu Desktop, you have the option to enable a VNC service. This allows you to connect to your Ubuntu Desktop server through a VNC client, bypassing the need to use the client area that includes a console. This console should only be used for emergency access to your VPS. Connect in SSH to your VPS server Install the TigerVNC Server package :PopularHow to enable RDP connection on Ubuntu Desktop
After installing Ubuntu Desktop, you can activate an RDP service to connect to your Ubuntu Desktop server via the Remote Desktop Connection software on Windows or Microsoft Remote Desktop on Linux and MacOS.PopularIncrease server security
The vast majority of our Linux servers (VPS or Dedicated Servers) are delivered "naked", that is, with a configuration very similar to what you would have had if you had installed the OS by yourself. This basic configuration does not include any elements to ensure the security of the server. IFew readersHow to install Ubuntu Desktop?
By default PulseHeberg only offers server versions of its operating systems, but you have the possibility to simply turn a server into a desktop version. Connect in SSH on your VPS with an SSH client like Putty on Windows or from a terminal on Linux or MacOS. Once connected update your server: sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y When the server is up to date you can proceed to the installation of Ubuntu Desktop :Few readersAnalyze server logs
Throughout its life, a Linux installed server records a very large number of parameters, information and events, which are transcribed into files: These are the logs files of your server. Under the vast majority of Linux OSes, these log files are stored in the /var/log folder.Few readersUpgrading your Debian version
Few readersMy Linux server is slow
Problem encountered You encounter slowness with your server under Linux Cause It is likely that your server is saturating one of its CPU, RAM, disk I/O or network resources. This can be inherent to a highly consuming process. Solution Check CPU load Connect to your VPS server via SSH Run the top -o %CPU command which allows you to check the CPU consumption of each process. For example : ( readersYour server has been compromised
Several elements can lead to the consideration that access to your server has been compromisFew readersManage your kernel
Whether it is to patch various recently discovered security holes, or to take advantage of software improvements, updating the kernel is a very common part of a server's life. Check your kernel version You can easily check the current version of your kernel, using the command "uname -a".Few readers