Manage your DNS zone from Plesk
If you need to add a specific DNS field and your DNS zone is managed by the Plesk panel you need to go to the DNS Settings tab: You are then redirected to a page showing all the DNS zone currently in place on your :Some readersSSL management of your website
By default we include Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for free to your web hosting, as a rule the SSL certificate is automatically activated 2 hours after the actual configuration of your domain. If you want to be able to manage your Let's Encrypt certificates, buy an SSL or send your own SSL you can do this from the menu SSL/TLS certificates : This section offers the possibiliFew readersHow do I configure my domain to point to my hosting?
In this type of case, two situations are possible : You have ordered your domain name at the same time as your hosting You have ordered your domain name separately from your hosting or from another registrar You ordered your domain name at the same time as your hosting In this situation, you don't have to do anything, the DNS configuration of your domain name is fully automatic, no action is required on your part. You have ordered your domain name separately from your hosting or fromFew readersWhat versions of PHP are available?
PHP version support Our Plesk WEB hosting range (WEB-5, WEB-25 and EDU-5 packages) currently supports the following PHP versions: PHP 7.4 (end-of-life) PHP 8.0 (end of life) PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3 How long are PHP versions available? Over the last few years, the PHP Foundation has accelerated the rate at which new versions of PHP are released, thus reducing the lifespan of previous versions (the lifespan of versions is 3 years). You can find the official PHP version suppoFew readersIs there anti-DDoS protection on the web hosting service?
All our web hosting offers include the Volterra anti-DDoS, so we guarantee you a treatment of attacks that may target our hosting platform.Few readersLogin to the Plesk panel
Upon delivery of your web hosting you will receive by email the login information for your Plesk management panel: Just go to the URL mentioned in the email to access your Plesk management panel: Then fill in the Username and Password fields with the informatFew readersHow to activate an email alias?
You can if you want to set up aliases on an email account, to do so go to the menu Mail accounts : Then click on the email address on which you want to activate the email forwarding: Then go to the Email Aliases tab : ( readersHow to create a sub-domain?
To create a sub-domain just click on the Add subdomain button: Then complete the fields with the information of your choice: sub-domain, root domain, root directory and if you want to activate SSL Let's Encrypt on it : A message confirms you the good creation of tFew readersHow do I change the PHP settings?
On your Plesk panel you can manage PHP settings by domain and sub-domain. To change your PHP settings just go to PHP Settings : In the Common Settings section you can manage the main elements of PHP configuration:Few readersHow to create a scheduled task (CRON)?
In your Plesk panel go to the right menu and select Scheduled tasks: On the next page all existing scheduled tasks appear, if you do not get the message No items found does not appear: To create a new task, click Add Task : ( readersHow do I create additional FTP access?
To create additional FTP access from your Plesk panel just go to the FTP Access section: This page gathers all the existing FTP accesses for your hosting as well as the directory where it points : To create a new account, simply click on Add an FTP Account :Few readersHow to activate an email redirection?
If you want to redirect emails sent to one address to another, you can do so in the Mail Accounts menu: Then click on the email address on which you want to activate the email forwarding: Then go to the Forwarding tab : ( readersHow to uninstall a CMS with Softaculous ?
You can uninstall a CMS via Softaculous by going to the tab of the same name : The home page shows all the CMS installed on the web hosting : To uninstall a software, click on the cross next to the site concerned. The next page asks you to confirm your choice and toFew readersHow to install a CMS with Softaculous ?
Softaculous is a utility that allows you to install very simply many CMS on your PulseHeberg web hosting. You can install a CMS via Softaculous by going to the tab of the same name: A new tab opens and returns to the Softaculous panel, the menu on the left allows you to choose the category or search the CMS by name: ( readersHow to create an email account?
You can create an email account from your Plesk panel by going to the Mail Accounts menu: On the email account management page, you can consult the list of existing email accounts: To create an additional account just click on Create Email Address : (httpFew readersHow to add a second domain?
To create another domain just click on the Add Domain button: Then complete the fields with the information of your choice: domain name, location of the website files, root directory and if you want to activate SSL Let's Encrypt on it : ( readersHow to create a database
To create a database from your Plesk panel you have to go to the right menu in the section Databases : On the next page appears the list of all existing databases, if you don't have the message No items found appears : To add a new database, click Add DatabaseFew readersHow do I change the directory where my main domain points?
You can change the directory where your main domain points by going to Hosting Settings : Then you just have to mention in Document Root the folder where your site should point: You can then validate this change by clicking on the OK or Apply button:Few readersWhat are the limitations of sending email from my hosting ?
To avoid the blocking of our web platforms by third party email operators, we set up by default the following limitations for sending emails: per email box: 20 emails per hour per domain: 20 emails per hour per hosting : 20 emails per hour However, these limitations allow you to send 480 emails per 24 hours, in case of exceeding the quota the emails are put on hold to be delivered the next hour.Few readersHow to consult the logs?
On your Plesk panel you can easily view the logs of your web hosting for each domain or sub-domain. To access the logs click on the Logs button: It then appears the latest Apache, Nginx and PHP logs of your web hosting :Few readersHow to manage the Apache and Nginx configuration of your web hosting?
By default our web hosting works with an Apache web server behind a Nginx proxy, you have the possibility to modify a multitude of parameters: You also have the option to disable Nginx or adjust the proxy settings, as well as enable the :Few readersMy email is rejected by the outgoing spam filter
To avoid having our email processing servers blacklisted for SPAM we have implemented an outgoing spam filter on our hosting platforms, an outgoing email can be blocked for several reasons: The email is considered SPAM. Email is considered to contain a VIRUS If you think it is a false positive we invite you to contact our technical department for a more precise analysis of the blocked email.Few readersHow do I activate DKIM signature on my hosting?
PulseHeberg offers DKIM email signing, to activate this service you just have to go to the Mail Accounts tab: Then in the Mail Settings tab : Then check the box Use DKIM spam protection system to sign outgoing mails messages : (https://storage.crisp.cFew readersHow to activate an automatic email response?
You can if you want to set up aliases on an email account, to do so go to the menu Mail accounts : Then click on the email address on which you want to activate the email forwarding: Then go to the Auto-Reply tab : ( readersHow do I change the PHP version of my domain or sub-domain?
On your Plesk panel you can manage the PHP version by domain and sub-domain, by default web hosting is in PHP 7.3. To change your version of PHP just go to PHP Settings : In the PHP Support section you can choose your version of PHP from the drop-down list: ( readers